Updating NOAA Fisheries’ National Saltwater Recreational Fisheries Policy

Last Fall NOAA called for public comments on updating its National Saltwater Recreational Fisheries Policy. The AFFTA Fisheries Fund, AFFTA, and many AFFTA members where among the more than 50 organizations and 480 individuals that submitted comments.

Comments stressed the importance of building capacity to respond to climate driven changes and impacts on fisheries and their habitats; focusing on modernizing data collection; strengthening angler engagement, education and participation in science and management; and the continued attention to equity and environmental justice concerns.

NOAA’s proposed new policy goals include:

  • Advance climate-ready policies and programs to respond to climate-driven changes and impacts on fishery resources and the ecosystem.

  • Pursue and support equitable treatment and meaningful involvement of underserved and underrepresented communities in recreational fisheries and stewardship.

 NOAA anticipates agency review of the draft policy, goals, and implementation plans June-July, public release in September, and initiating three-year implementation plans in October.