Who We Are
The American Fly Fishing Trade Association (AFFTA) is dedicated to guiding the sustainable growth of the fly fishing industry through both trade development and stewardship. It is a 501(c)(6) membership organization that promotes the business interests of its more than 1,000 members. Additional information on AFFTA is available at https://affta.org/.
The AFFTA Fisheries Fund (AFF) was established in 2014 as a 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit to advance the stewardship and conservation mission of the American Fly Fishing Trade Association. The Fisheries Fund serves as an arm of AFFTA laser focused on conservation and stewardship, as we seek to leverage the full weight of the fly fishing industry in the fight to protect and restore our fisheries, amplify the industry’s conservation voice, and provide powerful business support for critical conservation issues.
Recognizing that the long-term enjoyment of wild places and quality fly fishing opportunities requires a sustained commitment to stewardship and conservation of the natural world, the AFFTA Fisheries Fund works to be effective advocates for abundant and healthy fisheries by:
Educating and mobilizing the industry on fisheries conservation and stewardship;
Increasing funding for on-the-ground conservation through public and private philanthropy;
Engaging diverse stakeholders in policy formulation and its implementation; and
Promoting the ethical and sustainable use of marine and aquatic resources.
AFF Leadership
Board of Directors
Jim Bartschi (Chair), President, Scott Fly Rod Company
Jin Choi, Owner, St. Peters Fly Shop
Corinne Doctor (Secretary), Co-owner, RepYourWater
Lise Lozelle (Vice Chair), Founder & Owner, Maven Fly
Jim Murphy, Director of Fly Fishing, Pure Fishing
Tyler O’Neill
Tim Volk (Treasurer), Director of Operations, Waterworks-Lamson
Joe Wolthuis, Marketing Manager, Scientific Anglers
Lucas Bissett, Executive Director, AFFTA (ex-officio)
Science & Policy Committee
Aaron Adams, Director Science and Conservation, Bonefish & Tarpon Trust
Jim Bartschi, President, Scott Fly Rod Company
Andy Danylchuk, Professor of Fish Conservation, University of Massachusetts
Rene Henery, California Science Director, Trout Unlimited
Anna Le, Teacher, Outschool
Dexter Levandoski, Fly Fishing Sales Manager, Patagonia
Bob Mallard, Executive Director, Native Fish Coalition
Liz Perkin (Chair), Northern Oregon Regional Coordinator, Native Fish Society
Chris Wood, President & CEO, Trout Unlimited
Cari Endres, Finance Director
“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.”
Healthy waters and robust fish and wildlife populations are vital to the wellbeing of our society. They provide clean water, arable lands and habitats for sustainable fish and wildlife. But the pursuit and harvesting of fish and other wildlife, the biological diversity of these habitats is astonishing while the worth of water supply, flood control, and other environmental services is incalculable in value. Waters and the wild things they nurture are also priceless for less tangible reasons as well, as anyone who has fished wild waters can attest.
Being good stewards is of huge concern to the billions of people who depend upon wild fisheries for sustenance and commerce as well of the millions of anglers that pursue them recreationally. The contribution of these resources has never been quantified on a worldwide scale but exceeds billions of dollars in the United States alone, and fishing is one of the most popular outdoor recreational activities with more than 49 million Americans participated in freshwater, saltwater and fly fishing annually (2017).
Bulkley Aspens (photo courtesy of Jerry Myers).
The AFFTA Fisheries Fund works to connect the flyfishing industry—from manufactures and retailers to fishing guides and travel companies—with conservation practitioners, scientists and academia, and all others who care about wild things in wild waters. We seek three outcomes:
1. Increased industry leadership and commitment on behalf of fisheries conservation and stewardship.
2. Increased resources supporting wide range of conservation projects, from fisheries restoration and habitat restoration to education and angling access.
3. Leadership in outdoor ethics and personal responsibility.