White marlin. Photo courtesy of Mike Winn
Recreational Fisheries in a Time of Change
In March, NOAA Fisheries and the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) hosted the fourth National Saltwater Recreational Fisheries Summit in Arlington, Virginia. (Summit Report) Convened under theme “Recreational Fisheries in a Time of Change,” the summit’s hoped-for goals included reestablishing lines of communication and strengthening collaboration between the saltwater recreational fishing community and fishery managers and scientists and identifying and pursuing solutions to issues of common interest. Common themes included human dimensions, shifting data needs, community engagement and trust, and the tradeoffs inherent in “management flexibility.”
Eight years earlier, following the second National Saltwater Recreational Fisheries Summit in April 2014, NOAA Fisheries began development of a recreational fisheries policy to provide guidance for Agency consideration in its deliberations pertaining to development and maintenance of enduring and sustainable high quality saltwater recreational fisheries. The policy pertains to non-commercial activities of fishermen who fish for sport or pleasure, as set out in the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MSA) definition of recreational fishing, whether retaining (e.g., consuming, sharing) or releasing their catches, as well as the businesses and industries (e.g., the for-hire fleets, bait and tackle businesses, tournaments) which support them.
What is the Policy?
It is the policy of NOAA Fisheries to foster, support, and enhance a broadly accessible and diverse array of sustainable saltwater recreational fisheries for the benefit and enjoyment of the nation. NOAA Fisheries’ decision-making and activities in the execution of its stewardship responsibilities will be guided by the following six principles:
1. Support ecosystem conservation and enhancement.
2. Promote public access to quality recreational fishing opportunities.
3. Coordinate with state and federal management entities.
4. Advance innovative solutions to evolving science, management, and environmental challenges.
5. Provide scientifically sound and trusted social, cultural, economic, and ecological information.
6. Communicate and engage with the recreational fishing public.
Read more about the National Saltwater Recreational Fisheries Policy on NOAA’s website.
Opportunity for Anglers to Wade In
With the perspectives shared during the 2022 National Saltwater Recreational Fisheries Summit, NOAA is to update its recreational fisheries policy and seeking review and comments from anglers. Please visit their website to review current policy and provide feedback on any changes or updates you would like to recommend. The public comment period extends from August 1 to December 31, 2022.