Photo courtesy of NOAA
Recreational saltwater fishing contributes an estimated $36 billion to the nation’s gross domestic product and accounts for more than 550,000 jobs. It is a large and growing segment of the flyfishing industry.
To better serve saltwater recreational anglers and our coastal communities, NOAA Fisheries is asking for the angling community’s guidance in revising their 2015 National Saltwater Recreational Fisheries Policy. Essential to shaping NOAA Fisheries’ approach to recreational fishermen and their fisheries, the policy provides NOAA Fisheries with a set of goals for recreational fisheries within NOAA's overall mission. The policy also establishes principles to help guide the agency's planning and decision-making process.
“Recreational anglers are one of NOAA Fisheries key constituencies," said Assistant Administrator for NOAA Fisheries Janet Coit. “I am eager for input from our partners and the public to help us shape how NOAA Fisheries advances sustainable recreational fishing opportunities at a time when ocean uses and ecosystems are changing rapidly.”
With the perspectives shared during the 2022 National Saltwater Recreational Fisheries Summit, NOAA Fisheries requests anglers share their input on revising the Policy during the public comment period of August 1–December 31, 2022.
To learn more about the National Policy for Saltwater Recreational Fisheries and how to share their comments, visit our pages at Tomorrow’s Fish.