Montana’s rivers are the lifeblood of the state’s environment and economy. They continue to face increased demands to supply water, recreation, and environmental services. These demands — particularly in the face of increasing periods of drought and other stressors — affect the rivers’ resilience and fisheries, as well as the potential for conflict among users.
The August 2016 closure of 183 miles of the Upper Yellowstone River and its tributaries in Montana to all water-based recreation was a wake-up call to the fishing industry and other river users that: 1) business as usual will not suffice, and 2) there is the need for certified guides and professionals to step up as advocates for, and stewards of, the rivers and watersheds they depend on.
The Guiding for the Future (G4F) program was developed by the Fishing Outfitters Association of Montana to help address these challenges.
G4F is not about landing the most or biggest fish, but rather emphasizes knowledge, ethics, conservation, and a commitment to stewardship as core responsibilities of a professional guide. The program provides advanced levels of skill development for professional fishing guides and aims to inspire dedicated stewardship of aquatic ecosystems while increasing the knowledge and professionalism of guides, outfitters, and the fly-fishing industry as a whole.
AFF has been pleased to provide a grant and technical assistance in support of G4F. Several other states, inlcuding Maine, have expressed interest in adapting the program to their state.