Hard Lined for Stripers

The American Saltwater Guides Association works to promote sustainable business through marine conservation. With the striped bass population at a 25-year low, ASGA is urging recreational anglers to get involved with the future of striped bass management, to educate themselves on the issues, and make their priorities heard to the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission.

ASGA is also headlining the striped bass with HARDLINED, a film by KGB Productions. The film, featuring mouth-watering footage of striper fishing, explores the nuances of the striper’s complex conservation story while showing why these fish are so special to so many people. Despite its popularity and significance to the coastal communities in the Northeast, the fishery is once again in jeopardy. The last time this happened, we witnessed one of the greatest conservation success stories of all time, restoring the stock to astronomical numbers.

Today, the question on everyone’s mind- can we do it again? Watch the video and get involved.