The AFFTA Fisheries Fund— the conservation and stewardship arm of the American Fly Fishing Trade Association (AFFTA), working to leverage the full weight of the fly fishing industry to protect and restore our fisheries, amplify the industry’s conservation voice, and provide powerful business support for critical conservation issues.

The 118th Congress will take up a number of vital issues effecting the future of America’s marine fisheries. Read the Summary Report.

Tomorrow’s Fish

A project dedicated to addressing and managing the impacts of climate on fisheries and their habitats.



“Who Hears the fishes when they cry?”

Henry David Thoreau, on observing salmon and shad attempting to migrate upstream past the Great Stone Dam on the Merrimac River, Lawrence, Mass. A Week on the Concord and Merrimac Rivers (1849)

Masthead: Deschutes River, Oregon (photo b Brian O’Keefe)